Acupuncture is an effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system. Chin
ese Medicine practitioners have helped millions of people become well and stay well.
Acupuncture initiates the body's own innate healing system and can be used to boost immunity, support physical and emotional health, improve overall body and system functions and increase quality of life. It is safe, painless, and effective, and it can treat a wide variety of medical conditions.
Acupuncture and modern science
From a modern scientific perspective, stimulation of acupuncture meridian points causes the release of nervous-system chemicals in our brain, spinal cord, and muscles that help restore the body's ability to heal naturally. These chemicals provide tremendous health benefits, whether it is influencing the body to heal more quickly, or simply altering how you may be experiencing pain. Regardless, the healing and regenerative properties of acupuncture are amazing; the only way to find out if acupuncture is the perfect treatment plan for you is to give it a try.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are safe, effective and drug-free therapies that can help address a wide variety of ailments and conditions.
What An Acupuncturist may do
During the initial exam, your acupuncturist will take a full health history. She will ask questions regarding your health, symptoms, and lifestyle. She may also look at your tongue and check your pulse to gather more information about what's going on in the body.
Gathering this information is key in order for your practitioner to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances within the body. This enables the acupuncturist to creat a well-structured treatment plan.
Once a Chinese Medical Diagnosis has been made, the practitioner will place fine, sterile needles at specific areas on the body along "meridian pathways". The safe and painless insertion of these needles helps to rebalance the body's systems.
Acupuncture is recognized by leading national and international health organizations to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions. Below are some of those conditions:
Allergies Induction of Labor
Anxiety Insomnia
Arthritis Knee Pain
Asthma Leucopenia
Autoimmune Disease Menopause
Back Pain Morning Sickness
Biliary Colic Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Breech birth presentation Muscle Tension and Pain
Cancer care Nausea and Vomiting
Carpal Tunnel Neck Pain
Colds and Flu Opioid Dependency
Conjunctivitis Peptic Ulcer
Dental Pain Periarthritis
Depression PMS
Diabetes Postoperative Pain
Digestive Disorders Pregnancy Care
Facial Pain Primary Dysmenorrhea
Facial Rejuvenation PTSD
Fibromyalgia Radiation/Chemo Reactions
Gastritis Renal Colic
Hay Fever Sciatica
Headaches Sprains
Hypertension Stroke
Hypotension Seasonal Affective Disorder
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Tennis Elbow
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) Tobacco Addiction
Weight Loss Acute Bacillary Dysentery